
LUC Stritch School of Medicine Secondary Application

Discover a comprehensive guide on how to approach the LUC Stritch School of Medicine secondary application. Learn tips to align with their mission, craft standout essays, and increase your chances of securing admission. Perfect for aspiring medical students

Applying to medical school is an arduous journey filled with various steps that require time, attention to detail, and perseverance. One crucial component of this process is the secondary application. Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine is no exception, as it demands a thorough and thoughtful approach to its secondary application. This article will provide a detailed guide on how to effectively tackle the LUC Stritch School of Medicine secondary application, with strategies to help you stand out in this competitive process.

Introduction to Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine

Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine (SSOM) is located in Maywood, Illinois, and has long been recognized as one of the top medical schools in the United States. It is renowned for its commitment to social justice, compassionate patient care, and the education of well-rounded, ethical, and competent physicians. The school’s mission is deeply rooted in Jesuit values, emphasizing service, reflection, and care for the whole person.

Stritch School of Medicine offers a variety of unique opportunities for students, including strong clinical training, research initiatives, and a supportive community environment. Students are expected to demonstrate not only academic excellence but also a commitment to service, leadership, and personal growth. These elements are critical to the SSOM secondary application, making it essential to reflect these values throughout the process.

Importance of the Secondary Application

The secondary application is an integral part of the medical school admissions process. After submitting the primary application through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), candidates who meet the initial requirements are invited to complete a secondary application. This application provides an opportunity to showcase more personalized aspects of your character, experiences, and motivations beyond academic qualifications and standardized test scores.

For Loyola Stritch, the secondary application plays a significant role in determining whether applicants align with the school’s mission, vision, and values. It gives candidates a chance to express how they fit within the culture of Stritch and how they embody the school’s commitment to ethics, service, and professionalism.

Understanding the key components of the LUC Stritch School of Medicine secondary application and preparing strategically for each section can significantly enhance your chances of being invited for an interview and ultimately gaining admission.

Loyola Stritch School of Medicine Mission and Values

To write a compelling secondary application for Loyola Stritch, it’s crucial to understand the school’s mission and values. As a Jesuit institution, Stritch School of Medicine emphasizes the following core principles:

  1. Cura Personalis (Care for the Whole Person): Stritch emphasizes treating the patient as a whole person, taking into consideration physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of their care.
  2. Service to Others: Stritch encourages a deep commitment to serving vulnerable and underserved populations, in line with Jesuit teachings.
  3. Ethical and Professional Conduct: The school expects its students to uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior and professionalism, both in their academic and clinical training.
  4. Excellence in Medical Training: Loyola Stritch is dedicated to providing top-tier medical education, fostering critical thinking, and preparing students for excellence in clinical practice and research.

When approaching your secondary application, reflect on how your experiences and values align with these principles. Demonstrating that you understand and resonate with Loyola’s mission is a key factor in crafting a successful application.

Key Components of the Loyola Stritch Secondary Application

The secondary application for Loyola Stritch School of Medicine typically includes several essay prompts that ask applicants to reflect on their experiences, motivations for pursuing medicine, and alignment with the school’s values. These essays are an opportunity to go beyond your AMCAS application and share more specific details about how you will contribute to and benefit from the Loyola community.

Here’s a breakdown of the most common components of the Loyola Stritch secondary application:

1. Why Loyola?

One of the most common secondary prompts asks applicants to explain why they are specifically interested in attending Loyola Stritch School of Medicine. This question is crucial because it allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the school’s culture, values, and offerings.

To effectively answer this prompt, consider the following:

  • Research the School: Dive into the unique aspects of Loyola Stritch. Look into its curriculum, clinical training opportunities, research initiatives, and extracurricular activities. Highlight specific programs or opportunities that align with your interests and career goals.
  • Focus on Fit: Explain how your values and experiences align with the mission and values of Loyola Stritch. For example, if you have a strong background in service or advocacy, discuss how these experiences have prepared you to contribute to Loyola’s commitment to social justice and caring for underserved populations.
  • Be Specific: Generic responses won’t cut it here. You need to show that you have a genuine interest in the school and that you’ve taken the time to understand what makes Loyola unique.
2. Diversity Essay

Another common prompt in Loyola’s secondary application asks applicants to discuss how they will contribute to the diversity of the medical school community. Medical schools, including Loyola Stritch, place a high value on diversity because it enriches the learning environment and enhances patient care.

In this essay, consider discussing:

  • Personal Background: Share aspects of your personal identity that contribute to diversity, whether it’s your race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or cultural background.
  • Life Experiences: Discuss how your unique experiences have shaped your worldview and prepared you to engage with diverse populations. This could include experiences working with underserved communities, overcoming personal challenges, or participating in advocacy efforts.
  • Perspective on Diversity in Medicine: Reflect on why diversity is important in the field of medicine and how you plan to contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable healthcare environment.
3. Service-Oriented Experiences

Given Loyola Stritch’s strong focus on service, you may encounter a prompt asking you to reflect on your service-oriented experiences and how they have prepared you for a career in medicine. This is a chance to demonstrate your commitment to helping others and your understanding of the role of service in the medical profession.

To effectively answer this question:

  • Highlight Meaningful Experiences: Focus on specific volunteer or service experiences that have had a significant impact on your understanding of patient care, social justice, or healthcare disparities.
  • Reflect on Growth: Explain how these experiences have shaped your character, values, and motivations for pursuing medicine. Show that you have a deep understanding of the importance of empathy, compassion, and ethical responsibility in patient care.
  • Connect to Loyola’s Mission: Demonstrate how your commitment to service aligns with Loyola Stritch’s values and mission. Emphasize your desire to continue engaging in service and advocacy work as a future physician.
4. Ethical Dilemmas

Loyola Stritch places a strong emphasis on ethical conduct and professionalism, so it’s common for the secondary application to include a prompt related to ethical dilemmas or challenges you’ve faced. This essay is an opportunity to showcase your ability to think critically and act ethically in complex situations.

When writing this essay:

  • Choose a Relevant Situation: Reflect on a time when you faced an ethical challenge, whether in a personal, academic, or professional setting. Ensure that the situation you choose demonstrates your commitment to ethical principles and your ability to navigate difficult decisions.
  • Explain Your Thought Process: Focus on how you approached the dilemma, the factors you considered, and the decision-making process you used. This will help the admissions committee understand your ability to think critically and act with integrity.
  • Reflect on the Outcome: Discuss the outcome of the situation and what you learned from the experience. How has it shaped your understanding of ethical behavior in medicine?
5. Challenges and Resilience

Medical schools, including Loyola Stritch, are looking for applicants who can demonstrate resilience and the ability to overcome challenges. It’s not uncommon to encounter a prompt asking you to reflect on a significant challenge you’ve faced and how you’ve grown from the experience.

In this essay:

  • Be Honest: Share a genuine challenge you’ve faced, whether it’s academic, personal, or professional. The admissions committee is not looking for perfection but rather for evidence of growth and perseverance.
  • Focus on Growth: Emphasize what you learned from the experience and how it has prepared you for the challenges of medical school and a career in medicine. Show that you are capable of handling adversity and bouncing back from setbacks.
  • Connect to Medicine: Reflect on how the skills and qualities you developed through overcoming challenges will help you succeed as a medical student and future physician. For example, you might discuss how you developed problem-solving skills, empathy, or determination.

6. Loyola Stritch’s Unique Secondary Prompts

Loyola Stritch School of Medicine is known for asking unique and thought-provoking questions in its secondary application. These prompts are designed to assess your character, values, and ability to think critically. Some examples of unique prompts include:

  • What virtues do you feel are most important for a physician?
  • How do you demonstrate integrity in your daily life?
  • Describe a situation where you were in a leadership position and faced a difficult decision. How did you handle it?

When answering these prompts, focus on providing thoughtful, reflective responses that showcase your critical thinking skills, ethical principles, and alignment with Loyola’s values.

Tips for Writing Strong Secondary Essays

Writing compelling secondary essays requires time, effort, and a clear understanding of what medical schools are looking for. Here are some key tips to keep in mind as you work on your Loyola Stritch secondary application:

1. Be Authentic

Admissions committees can easily spot generic or insincere responses. Be honest and authentic in your essays, and don’t be afraid to show vulnerability. Medical schools are looking for real people with unique stories, not just perfect applicants.

2. Reflect on Your Experiences

Use your essays to reflect on your experiences and how they’ve shaped your values, motivations, and goals. Instead of just listing accomplishments, delve into the meaning behind them and how they’ve prepared you for a career in medicine.

3. Show, Don’t Tell

Whenever possible, use specific examples to illustrate your points. For example, instead of simply saying you value service, describe a meaningful volunteer experience and how it impacted you. This will make your essays more engaging and memorable.

4. Align with Loyola’s Values

As you write your essays, keep Loyola Stritch’s mission and values in mind. Show that you understand and resonate with the school’s commitment to service, ethical conduct, and caring for the whole person. Demonstrating alignment with the school’s values is key to standing out in the application process.

5. Proofread and Edit

Your secondary essays should be polished and free of errors. Take the time to proofread and revise your essays to ensure they are clear, concise, and well-written. Consider asking a trusted mentor or friend to review your essays and provide feedback.

The Importance of Timeliness

One of the key factors in the secondary application process is timeliness. Medical schools, including Loyola Stritch, often have rolling admissions, meaning that the earlier you submit your secondary application, the better your chances of securing an interview slot.

Here are some tips for managing your time during the secondary application process:

  • Submit Within Two Weeks: Aim to submit your Loyola Stritch secondary application within two weeks of receiving the invitation. This shows that you are organized, motivated, and serious about your application.
  • Stay Organized: Keep track of all your secondary applications and deadlines in a spreadsheet or calendar. Make sure to prioritize schools with rolling admissions, like Loyola Stritch.
  • Don’t Rush: While it’s important to submit your application promptly, don’t sacrifice quality for speed. Take the time to craft thoughtful, well-written essays.

Preparing for the Interview

If your secondary application is successful, you’ll be invited to interview at Loyola Stritch School of Medicine. The interview is a crucial step in the admissions process, as it allows the admissions committee to get to know you on a more personal level and assess your fit with the school’s values and culture.

To prepare for your interview:

  • Review Your Application: Be familiar with everything you wrote in your AMCAS and secondary applications. The interviewers may ask you to elaborate on your experiences, so be prepared to discuss them in detail.
  • Research Loyola Stritch: Review the school’s mission, values, and programs before your interview. Be prepared to explain why you’re a good fit for the school and how you align with its mission.
  • Practice Interviewing: Consider doing mock interviews with a mentor or friend to practice answering common medical school interview questions. Focus on conveying your passion for medicine, your commitment to service, and your alignment with Loyola’s values.
  • Be Yourself: Finally, remember to be authentic during your interview. Admissions committees want to get to know the real you, so don’t try to present yourself as someone you’re not. Be honest, reflective, and thoughtful in your responses.


The LUC Stritch School of Medicine secondary application is an opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and values. By aligning your essays with the school’s mission, demonstrating a commitment to service and ethical conduct, and reflecting on your personal growth, you can create a compelling application that stands out to the admissions committee.

Remember to approach each essay thoughtfully, provide specific examples, and stay true to yourself throughout the process. With careful preparation and a genuine understanding of Loyola Stritch’s values, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a successful secondary application and taking the next step toward a rewarding career in medicine.

FAQs LUC Stritch School of Medicine secondary application

  1. What is the focus of LUC Stritch School of Medicine’s secondary application?
    The secondary application emphasizes service, ethical conduct, and alignment with the school’s Jesuit values, including care for the whole person. Applicants must reflect on their experiences related to these principles.
  2. How can I make my essays stand out in the Loyola Stritch secondary application?
    Focus on authenticity, demonstrate alignment with the school’s mission, and use specific examples from your experiences to highlight your commitment to service, ethics, and resilience.
  3. What should I include in the “Why Loyola?” secondary essay?
    Research the school’s unique programs, curriculum, and values. Then, connect those aspects to your own experiences and career goals, demonstrating why Loyola is the ideal place for your medical education.
  4. How important is the diversity essay for Loyola Stritch School of Medicine?
    The diversity essay is crucial as Loyola values a diverse student body. You should discuss how your background, experiences, or perspectives will contribute to a richer learning environment and inclusive healthcare practice.
  5. When should I submit the Loyola Stritch secondary application?
    It’s recommended to submit the secondary application within two weeks of receiving the invitation. Loyola follows rolling admissions, so earlier submissions can improve your chances of securing an interview.

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