Students Learning Habit and Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Economics

Students Learning Habit and Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Economics



1.1 Background to the Study

It is generally accepted that every individual grows towards becoming a functional member of society. In the process of growth, he gains knowledge through studies which help him contribute his skills towards the development of society. Reports have shown that the diversification in student performance has been attributed to many factors including study habit.

Isangedighi (1999) observed that indiscipline, drug addiction, socio-economic background of the parents, inadequate motivation on the part of the students, lack of information, coupled with teachers nonchalant attitude to work and students have often resulted in students’ poor academic performances. Lack of educational facilities, professional teachers, counselors, psychologists and school administrators influenced to inefficient of students’ performance. Causes of poor academic achievement are diverse and cannot be associated with a single major factor. For instance, proponents of study habit have found that study habit and its variables may be a paramount factor in academic performance. Causes of fluctuating performances among students have also been attributed to teacher-students interactions. Absolutely, reports have shown that no guarantee of subsequent improvement in academic performance when the level of study habit competence is ignored. White (2001) observed that the skills adopted by individuals in studying are pertinent for academic success.

Isangedighi (1997) reports positive correlation between study habits and the academic performance of students. He concluded that the study skills adopted by individuals will help them acquire better academic achievement. Some researchers have found note-taking activity, class attendance and personal time schedule as study habits variable to be beneficial to students. While Abba, Tukur and Musa (2001) found that note-taking leads to overall superior performance and retention of new information.

The term study habit refers to the way in which students study either efficiently or inefficiently. In line with what has been said above, we can deduce that study habit will definitely yield positive academic performances and development and also inefficient or poor study habit leads to academic failure. According to (Adamu 1998) study habits refer to a predisposition that students have developed towards private readings over a period of time. According to him, study habit is a gateway to successful achievement in studies.

Students Learning Habit and Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Economics

In Nigeria, many factors have been highlighted to influence the ability of students to cultivate effective and efficient study habit. Such factors include; state of health, motivation, anxiety, and state of mind, conducive and suitable environment for studying, availability of textbooks and well-equipped libraries. It is believed that when these things are put in place it will help to improve the learning process thereby increasing students' academic performance.

Precisely, studying is decisively on the amount of time the student is actively engaged. Also the time spent on studying helps the students to retain the information learnt, and this will eventually boost the students’ academic outcomes during tests or examinations. Fagbemi (2001) asserted that the success of the students depends on the amount of time spent in studying.

1.2 Statement of Problem

In educational system, success is measured by academic performance or how well a student meets the standard set out by the institution. The menace of failure among the young school students has stared the parent’s government and stakeholders in the face. There is a consensus of opinion about the fallen standard of education as a big problem that is hindering the posterity of the Nigerian nation in terms of quality man-power resources. Most students in secondary schools experience academic problems that manifests themselves in the form of poor academic performance mostly in Economics subject.

Many researchers have sought to find out the reasons for the downward trend in the academic performance of secondary school students. Ogbemudia and Aiasa (2013) reported lack of good home foundation for students as cause of poor performance by students. Achieng (2014) found home factors, student factors and institutional capacity as the causes while, Adesehimwa and Aremu (2010) posited that factors resident in child, family, society, government and the school may be composite causative effects for this downward trend. Hence, this study seeks to ascertain the influence of study habit on secondary school students' academic performance in Economics in Essien Udim Local Government Area.

Students Learning Habit and Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Economics 1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to examine students learning habit and secondary school student's academic performance in Economics. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Examine the influence of class attendance on the academic performance of students in Economics.
  2. Determine the influence of note-taking on students’ academic performance in Economics.
  3. Ascertain the influence of personal time schedule and academic performance of students in Economics
1.4 Significance of the Study

This study shall be of significance to the following group in the following ways:

To the students, it will enable them to see the importance of certain study habits they need to undertake to ensure better academic performance.

To the teachers, it will help them to understand better the different categories of learners since each of these learners adopt different study habit in enhancing their performance in school.

To the parents, the result will be helped the parents improve their relationship with their children since parents are in a better position to understand their children with consideration.

Finally, the result of the study will also act as an eye-opener to society for them to see the necessity of adopting study habit.

1.5   Research Questions

The following research questions were raised to guide the study:

  1. How does class attendance relate to the academic performance of students in Economics?
  2. How does note-taking relate to the academic performance of students in Economics?
  3. To what extent does personal time schedule relate to the academic performance of students in Economics?

1.6 Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study:

  1. There is no significant relationship between class attendance and the academic performance of students in Economics.
  2. There is no significant relationship between note-taking and the academic performance of students in Economics.
  3. There is no significant relationship between personal time schedule and academic performance of students in Economics.
Students Learning Habit and Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Economics

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