Student’s Perception Of Teacher’s Method Of Teaching And Academic Performance In Biology

Student's Perception Of Teacher's Method Of Teaching And Academic Performance In Biology


The first minutes of the learning process is a very influential time for the next hour of the lesson. Motivating, arousing interest, and attracting the attention of the students are the important things that must always be built upon existing knowledge. Teachers’ Methods of Teaching plays a very important role in the learning process and students’ academic performance. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of students’ perceptions of the teacher’s Method of Teaching on the students’ Academic Performance. The study adopted an ex-postfacto research design using a sample of 400 senior secondary II Biology students. Two researcher-developed instruments were used for data collection namely Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Method of Teaching Questionnaire (SPTMTQ) and Biology Academic Performance Test (SBAT). The instruments were face validated. Using the Cronbach Alpha method, reliability indices of the two instruments were established. Percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to provide answers to the research questions while analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that students perceived that biology teachers have a low method of teaching skills. Also, students’ perception of the teachers’ method of teaching skills had a significant influence on their attitude towards biology which ultimately influence academic Performance. This finding implicates students’ career choices in science, technology and engineering at higher institutions in that their poor attitude towards Biology which ultimately influences academic performance as a result of teachers’ poor Teaching Methods will result to their poor attitude towards Biology, technology, and engineering courses. Based on these findings, the researcher recommended that biology teachers should endeavour to acquire appropriate method of teaching skills to enable the students develop positive attitudes towards biology, technology and engineering careers at a high level of education.


1.1 Background to the Study

Across the world, education is a vital process in human development and environmental management and a process of refining and preserving the collective values embedded in the culture of the society (Nja, Cornelius-Ukpepi, & Orim (2019),Oyekan, (2000). By education, a network of worthwhile knowledge, skills and habits is passed on from one generation to the other for effective citizenship and collective benefits of the society. Education is a systematic, intellectual and moral training, development, geared towards obtaining knowledge, development of character and also mental development that will ensure human survival (Nja, Cornelius-Ukpepi, Edoho & Orim (2019) Nja, Idiege & Obi (2017) Nja and Idiege (2019)). Nja, CorneliusUkpepi, Edoho, Neji,(2020). This becomes a reality through effective teaching and learning. Education is often conceived as a systematic action of imparting relevant knowledge, skills and habits to the learners in their preparation for meaningful life and contribution to better society (Oloyede,2006.) This action is however usually delivered through skillful exposure to a number of academic disciplines. Science education is a part of education which makes a man rational, develops his independent thinking and helps in removing the superstitions, prevalent in the society in various forms (Nja, Kalu, & Neji. (2015).

In view of the modern developments in Biology and its importance to today’s world, science education and scientific outlook have assumed a significant place. Science education is most commonly broken down into; Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics (Nja, Cornelius-Ukpepi, Edoho & Orim (2019) Nja, Idiege & Obi (2017) Nja and Idiege (2019)). Nja, Cornelius-Ukpepi, Edoho, Neji,(2020). Don-philips (1975) stated that science education or indeed all education, must develop in students both an awareness to the problems facing the society and the capacity to contribute towards their solution. Science has become a substantial and integral part of organized society. There is a close interaction between science and the economic, social, political and educational system of the society. Never before in the history of mankind has society been so dependent upon scientific knowledge as it is today. Science education cultivates students’ curiosity about the world and enhances scientific thinking. Through the inquiry process, students will recognize the nature of Biology with the aid of biological studies and develop scientific knowledge and Biology process skills to help them evaluate the impacts of scientific and technological developments. The emphasis of Biology education is to enhance students’ scientific literacy through investigative activities that involves planning, measuring, observing, analyzing data, designing and evaluating procedures, and examining evidence.

Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interaction, physiological mechanisms, development, and evolution. The basis of our very origin and existence on earth lies within the depths of biological sciences. Biology has an endless array of species. Biology plays an important role in the understanding of complex forms of life involving humans, animals and plants. Biology helps individuals understand the interaction between humanity and the world. It also develops interest in the lives of living organisms in an effort to preserve them. Studying biology is the foundation of all characteristics of life on earth. Apart from creating solutions to the challenges many living organisms face, it paves the way for inventions and discoveries that improve the quality of life. Biology can also be appreciated by the advances in the improvement of food supply and elimination of hereditary diseases. Biology is a science-oriented course; thus, it has developed advancement as it concerns the field of forensic science, genetic engineering and machines. In spite of its importance, however, the performance of students has degenerated at higher level of secondary schools (2008).

Student's Perception Of Teacher's Method Of Teaching And Academic Performance In Biology

 Science in the secondary schools is taught through two main categories; as Basic Science at the Basic secondary and the separate science subjects as Chemistry, Physics and Biology at the Senior Secondary. It is however worrisome to note that research studies and findings had pointed out that there is low Academic Performance in secondary school science (Onwuakpa and Nweke, 2010). Biology as the science of life is offered in all Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria which attracts the greatest patronage of both Science oriented and Arts based students (Nwosu, 20016). Urevbu (2010) pointed out that the teaching of Biology is important because it equips the students to comprehend the world around them and equip them with the necessary skills to build a progressive society. Similarly, Nwosu (2005) observed that Biology provides a platform for teaching students to develop the ability to apply science concepts and principles in solving everyday life problems. With knowledge explosion all over the world via the Internet, biological knowledge has also expanded. There are advances recorded in fields such as Biochemistry, Physiology, Ecology, Genetics and Molecular biology that have made the subject a central focus in most human activities including problems like food scarcity, pollution, population, radiation, disease, health, hygiene, family life, management and conservation of natural resources as well as Biotechnology and Ethics.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Education is an indispensable instrument for the development of any nation. Teachers are the implementers of the educational programme and they are responsible for the translation of educational theories into practice. For teaching to be effective, it has to be rooted in an understanding of how students learn. Several researchers have conducted research with a view to finding better ways of teaching and learning Biology. Results indicated that performance in public examination in Biology still remain poor. Not much effort seems to have been made towards finding out the difficulties students encounter in learning some of the concepts in Biology. Although, many factors may account for students’ poor performance in Biology, it is evident that most students have difficulties in learning some concepts.

It is for this purpose of redressing this trend that this study is being carried out. The statement of the problem therefore is: Will students’ perception of teachers’ method generate interesting results for solving the problem of persistent poor performance in Biology in secondary school?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The general objective of this study is to examine the influence of students’ perception on teachers’ Methods of teaching and students’ academic performance in Biology.

Specifically the study focused on the following; teachers’ methods of teaching, and their effect on students’ academic performance.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What is the level of students’ perception of their teachers’ Teaching Methods?
  2. What is the influence of students’ perception of teachers’ Teaching Methods have on students’ attitude towards Biology which ultimately influence academic performance which ultimately impact academic performance?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

  1. There is no significant influence of Students Perception of teachers’ Method of teaching on their academic performance

1.6. Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be useful to students of Biology, teachers of Biology, educational policy makers, the Government and the society at large. This will contribute to the better Academic Performance in Biology. The study is expected to serve as reference or guide for the students of Biology, it will also enable students to know the interrelation between students’ performance and teachers’ characteristics.

Teachers of biology also stand to benefit from the study as in choosing training and development programs that will help them to improve their quality, skills, knowledge, mastery of the matter and also to adapt to the new innovations in teaching and learning method, all which will lead to better academic performance on the path of the students. Educational policy makers would benefit immensely from the findings of this study as a medium for understanding their roles in as key players in promotion, teaching and learning process in their domain; the findings will be a value in terms of monitoring assessment in connection with accountability or reading of standards, assessment of teachers for professional improvement, determining teachers’ fitness for promotion as well as for refining professional classroom practices.

Government agencies and the society at large and most especially relevant agencies that are in charge of personal administration in secondary schools, by the findings, they would be assisted to take cognizance of these qualities, thus, emphasize them during recruitment exercise of teachers and on-going teacher administration. This will help to ensure qualitative recruitment exercise. In this connection, this study provides a valuable reference for other schools to reflect upon, the school teachers’ characteristics as it affects the academic performance of students in secondary schools.

Student's Perception Of Teacher's Method Of Teaching And Academic Performance In Biology

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