Values of Physical Education In Relation To Nation Building
When we trace back the history of Physical education we find that the physical education and physical activity is an old age concept. Physical activity was considered to be an important activity of survival in the Stone Age. Primitive man, search for food and shelter was the first survival activity. It was the first means of communication and expression. Human life and society evolved due to physical activity. Now in modern age physical activity has become a systematically organized form of education which is described as physical education. Generally physical activity is misunderstood as merely a form of activity, drill or body building. However the scope of physical education is much wider. In fact it influences the growth and development of the beings. It helps a person to achieve physical, mental, social and emotional health and to build personal and social qualities. In other words we can say it is an education important to a person for overall development.
Role and importance of physical education in the context of the society and national building can be understood from the role, it can play in the under mentioned field:
- Education
- Growth and Development of Individual
- Health, Fitness and wellness
- Prevention of diseases
- Development of culture and social values
- Recreation and Constructive use of leisure time
- National and international integration
- Development of Cultural and Social Values
Physical education and sports are excellent medium to teach many cultural and social values in the people. Certain social qualities like leadership, cooperation, teach cohesion, team work, self-discipline and trust are imparted through sports and games. Physical education helps in developing leadership in individuals. By the mean of games and sports a person establishes relationship with other person and group. It helps in shaping cultural and social characteristics when a team is playing with other team we can observe the felling of leadership and cooperation among the participants. A good sports person displays the qualities like obedient, fair, generous, courteous, modest, ethics and morality. So physical activities and sports nurtures social values and qualities. Hence physical education inspires and transforms people in to law abiding and good citizen (Coakley, 2008)
- Education
The most common and perhaps the oldest method of communication along the path of progress for the human being is the use of body language or to be able to communicate through body gestures and movement. Even in the life cycle of a man body movement and gestures or physical activity come first, language and writing skills develops later. The young ones of animals and human beings learn and get education through this method from very initial level. Learning by observing and imitating the parents are a common practice. Physical education is integral part of education and with the help of movement education physical education brings about positive change in the behavior of an individual in a desired direction. As the play way method or learning by doing method is an easy method used in Physical education, makes great contribution toward the education of individuals and its contribution in the field of education cannot be ignored (Sharma, 2002)
- Growth and Development of Individual
People have lot of misconception about physical education. It is a general perception that physical education teacher are busy without work and they are only limited to discipline and to prepare team in sports. But in fact physical education teacher facilitate the growth and overall development of child. Actually the physical education teachers are the back born of the society for preparing healthy future generation. Growth refers to an increase in physical size of the whole body or any of its part but development is complex and continuous process and it does not involve only physical but also cognitive and social dimensions. Teaching method such as Physical activities, Play, games and sports used in physical education facilitate both the growth and development. When a child take part in physical activity and sports it influences his systems and organs involves in it e.g. if we do exercise related to strength of muscle the size of the muscle increases.
Values of Physical Education In Relation To Nation BuildingBy engaging in sports a person is exposed to many situations where he has to take decision. Play in sports requires concentration and attention thereby improving the mental development. Many types of emotions can be utilized and channelized through physical education thereby facilitating emotional development. It also helps in the social development of the child when he became a member of the team. Hence it will not be wrong to say to say that physical education actually helps is securing the future of the nation and society.
Values of Physical Education In Relation To Nation Building
- Health, Fitness and Wellness
In pre historic time the health and fitness was the key factor for the survival of the human being. Civilization of Sparta Rome was following the dictum of “Fittest of the survival” and in the epic era in India also stresses have been laid upon health and physical fitness. Guru Kul in that era has followed the system of physical very rigorously. This concept of health and fitness is very much applicable and relevant in today’s social scenario. Health is a broader term which includes all the aspects of wellbeing such as physical, mental, social and emotional where as physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily activity with alertness, without fatigue and have reserve energy to meet the unforeseen situation. Wellness is a modern and broader concept which means the state of being healthy and free from disease. It is also described as an active process of being aware of and making choices towards a more successful existence. Wellness include many different components such as emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, financial and environmental that expand one quality of life and work effectively to make significant contribution to society.
Health, Physical fitness and wellness can be achieved through physical activities, exercise and sports. Regular participation in exercise and physical activities is the component of positive life style. A number of research found that the doing regular exercise result in many physical and mental health benefits. Exercise on regular basis can help your body to remain fit and healthy. Physical education educates about the method of exercise and fitness and it includes walking, jogging, running, cardio fitness and resistance training, yoga and stretching. Development of health society is linked with the health if individual and healthy youth of the country are the pillar of healthy society. Therefore a physical activity has a pivotal role in raising the health standard of the society. In this way, an individual who is health and fit will not only uplift his own standard but also lead to establishment of healthy society or nation (Singh & others, 2016)
- Prevention of Diseases
Modern day living and increased leisure time has given us sedentary lifestyle which has resulted in modern day illness such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and back pain. All these diseases are the product of bad dietary habits, lack of exercise and physical activity and high level of stress in our daily life. If we want to lead a health and longer life we must take certain preventive measures towards these problems. Not only in our country but also many people around the world are suffering from these hypokinetic diseases. In today’s world obesity has become a big problem and obese people also get trapped with many other associated diseases as well. Hypertension is another modern disease occurs due to inactive life style. Hypertension means increase in the blood pressure of the body. The long term effect of regular exercise in losing weight and controlling hypertension is well established. One of the effective methods of controlling weight is to shift the energy relationship so that the energy output is exceeding the energy input.
Values of Physical Education In Relation To Nation BuildingDiabetes is another disease caused by the lack of the ability if the pancreas gland to produce insulin or it to use the insulin produced in appropriate way. Research has shown that regular exercise and physical activity has a protective effect against diabetes. Back pain is the pain felt in the back usually originated from the muscle, nerves, joint, and bone in the spine. Back pain is divided in to the neck pain, middle back pain, lower back pain and tail bone pain. Maintaining regular physical activity and fitness regimen can be very helpful in preventing the problem of back pain. Participating in regular strengthening exercise is helpful in improving the strength and flexibility in the back, abdominal and leg muscles. Eventually helps to overcome the pain. Therefore it can be judged that the physical education and fitness can play an important role in preventing several diseases.
- Recreation and Constructive
Use of Leisure Time Recreation is a voluntary activity where participants engage due to the benefits and values attached to it. Recreation word is derived from Latin world ‘Recreare’ which means to create something (Wikipedia). Recreation which is also termed as amusement, entertainment, hobbies or fun is an essential part of our daily life. It comprises of many activities such as dancing, singing, playing sports, gardening etc. The national council of therapeutic recreation in the United States has recognized the importance of recreation in rehabilitation and health. Recreation has many health benefits and it is used as a therapy to cure sick people. Sports and dance helps in the rehabilitation of many chronic health issues. Moreover with the increase of leisure time or free time and the advancement of technology, the youth tends to get involve in many destructive activities. Sports and games are the best form of recreation activities. It not only used for fun and recreation but also it helps in channelizing the energy of the youth. Play and sports is the best form of expression for a child and ultimately it helps in utilizing their free time constructively.
- National and International Integrations
National and international integration is observed through physical activities and sport. Sports unite and integrate members of difference caste, culture,s and religion. Sports provide an equal opportunity and platform to all the members of the society. Through sports people of different communities learn, share and appreciate the culture and values of other. Sports event like Olympics and Commonwealth game and Asian games are the greatest example of international integration. Sports also help in peace and bringing cordial relationship among the nations. Therefore sport and physical education cultivate harmony, peace and brotherhood within the national and among the countries.
In Akwa Ibom State College Of Education Afaha Nsit, Sports develop the physical as well as mental strength in students in the college. Daily physical exercise is essential for students because exercise not only helps students to stay healthy, but it also helps to improve their emotional fitness. Sports should be a major part of the school curriculum because if students stay emotionally and physically healthy, they can easily focus on their studies. Students have to participate in school sports to increase confidence, mental alertness, and self-esteem. Sports are important in schools because it helps to teach various skills to students like leadership, patience, patience, team efforts, and social skills. Here we are discussing some benefits of the importance of sports in Schools and bellows are the role of sports in the development of Akwa Ibom State College of Education Afaha Nsit
- Stay Healthy
Sports help students to stay healthy. If students do daily physical activities, then it helps them to avoid unwanted illness. Nowadays students eat a lot of junk food which is not suitable for their health. So to stay healthy sports is essential for students. Sports help students to increase cardiovascular fitness and also increase bone density. It also helps to reduce the blood sugar levels, chronic muscular tension, and strengthen the lungs. Students become more energetic because of sports.
- Good Fitness Level
Nowadays, students eat a lot of junk food, and they gain fat at a very young age. So to reduce the fatness sports activities are very important for students. Sports activities avoid the formation of excess fat, and students stay fit and slim. Daily sports activities help students to maintain a good fitness level. The interest in outdoor games also reduces indoor activities like watching television and video games.
- Develop Leadership skills
In sports activities, students not only play the role of team players but sometimes they also have to play the role of leader. Knowing that they have to lead the team will boost their leadership qualities, and this helps them to become good decision-makers. Being a leader, their duty is not just to lead the team but also need to boost and appreciate the team.
- Positive Mentoring
During sports activities, every sportsperson is encouraged by their parents, coaches, and the support staff for achieving success. This positive mentoring will also help students in other phases of their life. Students will learn to perform better and achieve success in their life. Positive mentoring also allows students to develop a positive mindset. But don’t feel upset when you lose any game respect the Authorities’ decision and accept your failure.
- Boost Emotional Fitness
The physical activities help students to refresh their minds and create happiness in them. Sports also help students to stay cheerful and emotionally fit by reducing stress and mental depression. If students are emotionally and mentally healthy, then it can also help in their studies and help them to achieve their goals. If students increase their interest in sports activities, they can also make it a passion and also make a career from it.
- Develop Social Life
Sports also develop the social life of students. When students are part of any sports team, so it helps them to interact with many people of different ages. It’s easier for students to make new friends and respect the difference with an open mindset. Interaction with senior students and coaches encourages them and helps to face everything with a happy face. It also helps to develop confidence in students to come forward to face the problems and never stay back.
- Develop Discipline
Sports activities establish the qualities of discipline which help in every field of life. The sports activities teach the physical mental and tactical training to students. Students should have to follow the rules and regulations of the game, obey and respect the decision of the coach. By doing this, students can realize their goals and help them to gain success.
- Better Performance in Academics
Sports activities can also help students to perform better in academics. Daily physical activities help students to improve their memory and refresh their minds. If sports are part of daily routine, then students can perform better in their academics. Because students become physically and mentally healthy, so this will help them to focus on their studies.
- Develop Self-esteem
Sports activities can help students to develop self-confidence and self-esteem. Even small things in sports can enhance the student’s self-esteem. From regular sports activities, students can also work on their weakness and practice until they see success and improvement.
- Develop Cooperation and Teamwork
When students are participating in any sports matches or competitions, then they need good teamwork, cooperation, and coordination. Learning these skills during sports activities also helps them in various phases of their life, like in academics or future careers. Students also learn how to cooperate with other teammates to win and enable to respect the other point of view.
It has been concluded that in the social lives of the students there are many activities, that nearly all of these activities are the ones that can be done in a passive life, and that to have an active life, the only activity left is sports. It has been found out that sports has an important role in campus life, that optional sports courses are preferred widely among the students, that these courses are seen as an important means to do sports, and that the diversity of this course should be increased. It has been determined that sports are more common among males whereas females are less willing in taking part in sports activities. It has been concluded that it would be beneficial to exhibit some efforts to have the females acquire sports habits, to regulate some activities that would draw the females more into the sports activities, and to improve sports habits starting from the primary school.
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Values of Physical Education In Relation To Nation Building