Ways and Strategies of Bringing People in our Community Together For The Purpose Of Unity

Ways and Strategies of Bringing People in our Community Together For The Purpose Of Unity


Culture, race, gender, and economic status are just some of the factors that make any community diverse. But despite diversity, each individual with his own unique talents, skills, and resources can unite and collaborate with others to make their community a better place for everyone. Because “community” cannot be spelled without “unity,” connecting, building good relationships, and working together with other community members should be encouraged. Here are a few activities that you can all participate in and do together to promote unity:


  1. Tolerance: This is the virtue of accepting the opinion, belief, religion and behaviour of people that differ from your own. The spirit of tolerant and the attitude of live-and-let-live will help greatly in promoting national unity in diversity. Nigeria is a multi-ethic and religions country and so need people who have understanding, tolerant respect for other people’s rights and opinions without prejudice or bias
  2. Hospitality: This is a friendly and generous treatment of guest or strangers. It is the act of receiving one another in a friendly way. The spirit of hospitality is very important especially in Nigeria where people move from their state of origin to other states, like youth corps members when serving their fatherland. This noble virtue, when developed and shown, it will foster the spirit of ‘Brotherhood’ and ‘be my Brother’s keeper’ among the people.
  3. Non-discrimination: An individual who is interested in fostering national unity should not discriminate against anybody on the grounds of place of birth, s*x, religion, language, ethic group, class or political affiliation. Everybody should be given equal opportunity in terms of employment, contract award, scholarship, admission into universities and unity schools.
  4. Inter-marriage: This is a marriage between two people from different cultural backgrounds. The government has been encouraging inter-marriages among our young people because of its dividend that is positive in removing ethnic fears among the groups contracting the marriage
  5. Food and Crafts Fair

Promoting unity in the community through food and the arts is a brilliant idea! Organize or be part of a fair showcasing the delicacies in your area and food specialties of the finest home chefs and bakers in the community. A BBQ cook-off or a hotdog eating contest could be exciting. Everyone will likely enjoy booths of various crafts and DIY or homemade products such as soaps and candles too. There could also be an art contest for kids or a collective exhibition of artworks by local artists at the fair.

  1. Sports Festival

A weekend of friendly, healthy competition with loads of fun can bring the whole community together. So why not hold a regular community Olympics, where families can join different sports events and win not only trophies, but also friends? Whether it’s relay race, basketball, duathlon, or any other type of sport or physical activity, it will surely encourage unity.

  1. Holiday Socials

Holidays, turning of seasons, and important events should be celebrated. And celebrating with families and friends from the neighbourhood makes them more special. Your town or community hall could be witness to memorable galas, kids’ talent shows, and Christmas presentations. Everyone can also gather at the park to watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve, enjoy outdoor film showings during Spring break, or listen to different bands during Memorial or Independence Day music festival.

Ways and Strategies of Bringing People in our Community Together For The Purpose Of Unity

  1. Environmental Conservation Initiatives

Activities that have to do with environmental awareness, conservation, and protection are also a great way of uniting members of the community. Everyone can join tree planting, beach or river clean-up, farming, and recycling activities. These are not only good for the environment. They are also good for every resident of the community.

  1. Community Enhancement Projects

Having a good and beautiful community is in your hands. This is why projects that can enhance the various places and structures in the community are always welcome. Residents can collaborate in painting park benches and museum fences, work together to rehabilitate a run-down playground, or join forces to install solar-powered lamps on the streets. Unity in the community should be valued, promoted, and maintained. When everyone works together for a common goal, then that goal will be easier to achieve. Be one with your neighbours through these activities and start building a happy and prosperous community.


More importantly, sport offers an outlet to many people from the everyday stresses of their job and the pressures of life as a whole. It can be positive for mental health as it helps to provide endorphins to help people to relax but also helps to provide a sense of belonging. Being part of a sports team can make it possible for even the most isolated person to feel like part of something bigger and can often give them a chance to excel where they might normally be a bit more withdrawn. As a hobby, both on television and as an active competitor, it opens the options for discussion on social media and with friends. This makes it a clear social activity, bringing people together in their passion as well as disdain for what they may have seen occur. More than just sport can help fill a void if you are at a loss for something to do in your free time. There are many things that you can do to fill your time, whether it is between training sessions or even if you are on your way to a match. With mobile gaming and even just books available, you can while away the time and just relax. If you need any further ideas on what to do with your free time, you can view now. The following strategies should be adopted:

  1. consider both gender while planning the spot activity
  2. make room for views and criticism during and after the game
  3. make provision for sport facilities
  4. budget for internal and external sport officials
  5. make arrangement for internal and external security in case of any aggression from any team
  6. make provision for health personnel’s incase of health emergency
  7. arrange for refreshment and entertainment for both the players and officials
  8. Start to plan what games you will include and a timetable for the event
  9. Sports days require a lot of manpower, whether it’s directing parents to the car park, handing out refreshments, overseeing races, blowing whistles or awarding prizes, you’ll need to make sure teachers know who’s doing what and when!
  10. It’s a good idea to make sure you have planned for refreshments as hopefully it will be a hot day and you’ll all be in need of some cooling down. You could ask parents to bring picnics themselves to help keep costs down, but make sure you provide bottles of water as a minimum.
  11. You can’t win a sack race without the sacks, nor can you have a prize giving ceremony without any prizes! Once you’ve made your plan make sure you have all the equipment and materials you need to put your ideas into practice.
  12. Make sure you are clear on the rules of each activity and that everyone understand how to take part.
  13. Let students ask questions before you begin so no one gets confused or feels as though he have been treated unfairly.
  14. Get the rules out to teachers beforehand so they can practice the events with their class during sport lessons.
  15. You could award prizes for sporting conduct as well as winning events.
  16. Get safety (First Aid Box and Equipment) ready in case of accident.
  17. Get the security ready in case of invasion by outsiders.
  18. Take weather conditions into account
  19. Request teachers to be involved in the event for distributing prizes, directing parents, blowing whistles, handing out refreshments to the guests., etc.
  20. Make the sports organization fun for everyone.
Ways and Strategies of Bringing People in our Community Together For The Purpose Of Unity


Sports bring competition; teach morality, integrity and ambition; are exciting, amusing and challenging. But most of all, they bring us hope. Sports give us faith to live another day. We see our favorite athletes, and we are amazed by them, and it gives us a sense of hope that no matter what challenges or hurdles we have in our daily lives, we can conquer them all. Sports, with their impact and influence, have always had a place in society. There can be many instrumental development objectives and lessons realized through sports. Their value is sometimes underestimated, but as anyone knows who has ever been to any sporting event, it can literally reshape the foundation of a community.


Riccitiello, John (October 23, 2014). "John Riccitiello sets out to identify the engine of growth for Unity Technologies (interview)". VentureBeat (Interview). Interviewed by Dean Takahashi. Archived from the original on January 17, 2015. Retrieved January 18, 2015.

 Kelliher, Fiona (August 24, 2018). "Video game company grabs two buildings on Mission Street for big expansion". San Francisco Business Times. Retrieved October 17, 2018.

 Robertson, Adi (March 3, 2015). "Unity officially releases its new game engine: Unity 5".

Ways and Strategies of Bringing People in our Community Together For The Purpose Of Unity

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